Full Control of the Supply Chain
Providing Safe and High-quality Milk
Raw milk is sourced from our self-owned dairy farms only.
It takes a very short time from milking to storage through automatic milking process.
Raw Milk Quality Control
Strict quality control on aerobic plate count, somatic count, antibiotic, etc. to ensure high quality of the raw milk.
Milk Homogenization
Smash the fat in milk to make it dissolved fully with protein so as to prevent the fat from being coagulated and to improve absorption of nutrition.
Milk Sterilization
Sterilize the raw milk at certain temperature to kill the bacteria while retaining as much nutrition as possible.
Milk Filling
Filling of the raw milk is processed automatically in the sterile environment.
Finished Products Quality Control
Strict quality control over the production of finished products at various stages.
AustAsia Factory
- 反渗透RO:通过反渗透膜过滤系统,全面保留牛奶营养成分的同时,提高鲜奶蛋白质含量。
- 乳清蛋白微粒化处理:经过微粒化的乳清蛋白分子更小,更易保留牛奶本身醇香的味道,口感也更细腻顺滑。
- 高剪切混合技术:通过高速转动将原辅料良好溶解后均匀混合,使产品口感更细腻顺滑。
- 低温热处理技术:低温杀菌工艺,温度始终保持低于80℃,更好的保留牛奶本身的营养和天然的酶,让消费者体验牛奶天然的新鲜味道。
- 浸入式杀菌系统:最大限度保留牛奶的挥发性芳香物质,让牛奶保持香醇的味道。
- 微过滤和分离系统:精确并稳定控制牛奶成分及含量,以保证一年四季都能提供高标准、高品质的好牛奶。